
Just as minerals are found all over the world, they are loved worldwide also. We connect crystal stones & people from the four corners of the globe. Whether you’re looking for a crystal ball for clarity, a crystal point for potency, or even a crystal palm stone for connection, we’ve got you covered.

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More About Us
Valley Crystals is a family-owned and operated business based in Tucson, AZ. Whether you're looking for a crystal ball for clarity, a crystal point for potency, or even a crystal palm stone for connection, we've got you covered. Our company also specializes in all types of gemstone jewelry. Crystal jewelry can allow us to take the good vibes with us on our daily travels. Check out our beautiful selection. Crystal home decor is also a passion here. Some feel that using crystal decorations, like Black Tourmaline & Amethyst can bring protection and peace to one's home. Check out our Instagram page for decorating ideas with crystals. The world of healing crystals can be a confusing one, so we've included crystal meanings on all of our newly listed minerals. That way, you can get a general description of our experience with the crystal healing properties. Raw healing crystals are becoming more and more popular, and people are become aware of their wonderful vibrations.

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